›› Background, Operations and Services....

The Chroma Group, Ltd. ("TCG") was founded in 1991.  Operating under a “for profit and self-sustaining" business model, it is an internally funded organization, accepting no financial support from individuals, organizations or sovereignties which could possibly have any specific political agenda.  It is further our mandate to be fully responsible for the placement of resources and/or services on the ground where required, on a project by project basis, as opposed to the forwarding of supporting funds to other organizations or groups, while we do honor and applaud much of their hard work.

The basic groundwork for TCG's primary mission of Transnational Conflict Prevention and Interdiction Programmes ("TCP & IP") in any given project's Area of Responsibility ("AOR") or Region of Responsibility ("ROR"), such as the Horn of Africa or Kashmir, begins with the acquisition and ongoing maintenance of a total Spherical Situational Awareness ("SSA") regarding the applicable AOR/ROR's geometry.  That is to say, TCG achieves a comprehensive awareness of any and all social, tribal, cultural, geopolitical and theological elements, both historical and current, which influence the decision cycles and dynamics of the local population as well as its official and/or de facto leaders.  The most important ingredient to SSA is, first and foremost, a human presence in the AOR/ROR in the person of a culturally well-versed individual or individuals, for which there is no substitute.  In addition to human information acquisition and listening closely to local "bush-wire" communication, SSA is then further enhanced by TCG's other ongoing methods of acquisition and analysis, which include:

Any and all information which is gleaned from these and other sources is input in real-time, and is accessible using our version of the NORA ("Non-Obvious Relationship Awareness") system which is quick to recognize any interactions between individual actors, groups, places, things, events, dates and locations with selectable sensitivity.

Operating from this posture of "boots on the ground" SSA, integrated and balanced with other instruments of National power such as embedded humanitarian, stability and peacekeeping operational relationships, in particular Civil Affairs and Psychological-type Operations ("CA/PSYOP"), while also continuing to maintain ongoing positive relationships with Non-Governmental/International Non-Governmental Organizations ("NGO/INGO"), with local and international journalists, with local persons of influence, and with cooperative international law enforcement agencies, effectively enables TCG to achieve considerable success with constructive, local social engineering while also assuring the persistent integrity of its information acquisition and analysis capabilities.  National strategists can then better craft approaches to policy regarding the applicable AOR/ROR which leverage all of the core competencies in each of these communities.

Authorized registered users are afforded access to information resources based upon their applicable clearance level in accordance with all current directives and issuances.  Any registered user may also elect to subscribe to the daily "OSI-Briefing", which is a summary of items from around the globe which are deemed significant and are harvested from our aforementioned newspaper, publication, broadcast and SitRep monitoring.  This open source briefing is sent to subscribers accounts by secure email each day no later than 1700 Zulu.  TCG takes extensive steps to insure redundancy and failover for its data, network and communications assets all of which are secured utilizing accepted Multi-Level Keys and the most current Advanced Encryption Standards.


›› Other NGO/INGO Actors....

Although The Chroma Group, Ltd. itself does not accept donations or grant funding we do strongly urge you to consider closely examining and donating to the following organizations, all of which are engaged in noble work , and which are in constant need of funding, as well as many others you may chose from which do not condone, support or engage in violence or terror in any form: